

Bio: I'm a full time hard working mommy of two. During the day, I am promoting social change in my job as a social worker. Love my profession and what I do every day. I married my high school sweet heart and we have two little monkeys, who keep me busy when I come home for my second shift. Becoming a mommy is the greatest thing I have ever done and will ever do in my life. When I have a spare minute, I am a full on geeky fan girl. I proudly belong to several fandoms including; Doctor Who, Sherlock, Supernatural (better known as SuperWhoLock), Harry Potter, Star Wars, Star Trek... just to name a few. I collect books like its going out of business and have multiple crushes on fictional men. Luckily, I married a man who understands my craziness. This is my first attempt at blogging, at this point, I'm even sure I'll publish anything. I'm nervous and excited about my new little adventure. Here we go....

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