#47 and #48- The Fiery Cross and A Breath of Snow and Ashes (Outlander Series) by Diana Gabaldon



Still muddling through the seemingly never-ending Outlander series. Actually, muddling is not the right word because I am loving every second of it.  The adventures of Claire Randall, and Jamie Fraser has captured my imagination and I just can’t stop reading.

In book five and six, Claire and Jamie travel to the new world, America, on the brink of the revolutionary war. Joined by their very modern daughter, the Fraser family carves a home of themselves in the South Carolina wilderness. The sixth book, is my favorite of the series so far, is the first one to make me cry (several times).

I’m a sucker for romance, and take away the time traveling, the action, the history and it’s really just a love story. One of the most beautiful love stories I’ve read. Claire and Jamie have a partnership. Their relationship is based on mutual respect and affection. They are not afraid to express their feelings to each other or to fight for each other. This is not your typical damsel in distress, saved by the knight in shining armor story. As many times as Jamie swoops in to save the day and carry Claire away to safety, Claire has done the same for Jamie. She uses her bravery, modern knowledge to get Jamie out of trouble repeatedly. This is a story about the kind all of love all of us dream about, note, that I didn’t say “all women dream about”.  No, ALL of us, man or woman, wants a partner that we know has our back, is reliable, and faithful. We all want to be not just loved, but cherished by someone who is our equal. That is the kind of love story that Outlander is.

There are some stories that get under skin, that haunt you all day long. The Outlander series is one those. I find myself at random times of the day recalling scenes, specific passages,the voice in my head now as a charming Scottish accent.  Two books left to go and I’m dreading reading them because I am just not ready for the love story to end.





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